Advocating For The Rights Of Southern California Employees Since 2007

Year: 2020

Proposed legislation addresses discrimination in recruiting

Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's, the United States has been trying to eliminate discrimination in many areas of society, including in the workplace. Over the years, many pieces of legislation have been enacted at both the federal level and the...

What types of reasonable accommodation must your employer provide?

If you have a physical or mental disability, you undoubtedly realize that 1990’s Americans with Disabilities Act protects you from discrimination in the workplace. This protection applies both in terms of the jobs you apply for and the jobs you get. Furthermore, all...

Understanding shift differential guidelines

Wage and hour laws can be a complex topic, particularly because there are so many misconceptions about them. You have likely heard from many in Los Angeles that certain aspects of your salary and pay are regulated by federal law. One such aspect is shift differential...

Understanding constructive dismissal

When conditions at work become hostile, many California workers consider finding greener pastures. But sometimes, hostility from an employer indicates a more serious problem than simply finding a new job. Constructive dismissal, also known as constructive termination...

Get the overtime you deserve

California is home to some of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. As a worker, you know that the success of these organizations comes from one source, and one source only: The labor of employees. Regardless of the size of a business or of the scope...

Know how to recognize age discrimination

As people get older, they may think their knowledge and practical experience make them an excellent employee. However, getting older may cause people to face discrimination in their workplace. It is important for people to recognize the signs of age discrimination. ...

What is at-will employment?

Understanding employment law in California can be a bit confusing, given that California has its own very extensive employment laws in addition to the one set out by the federal government. However, it is vital that you understand how the law works in order to ensure...

When can my employer legally terminate my employment?

Wrongful termination is difficult to prove because of the way employment is in the United States. Most of the time, you and your employer have the free will to decide when to start and end employment and can do so at any time without any reason. This is what the...

What is the difference between discrimination and harassment?

Discrimination and harassment in the workplace are both issues that people deal with every day. They are also both illegal. There are many federal and state laws addressing both subjects and outlining exactly what they are and giving guidance on how to identify them....

Is your “over-40” severance agreement properly drafted?

If you have face termination at age 40 or older, your employer may want you to sign a severance agreement.  Look it over carefully. Severance agreements for older employees must meet specific requirements, or they will be unenforceable in court.  Reasons for a...

